Currently offering a free initial consultation
Links to our 2015 tax documents:
Tax Preparation Checklist (click here): This document is a checklist for clients to use when gathering their 2015 tax documents.
Client Engagement Agreement (click here):Our standard engagement agreement for 2015 tax clients.
Tax update (click here): A short summary of the main tax related areas effecting individuals in 2015.
Links to our 2014 tax documents:
Tax Preparation Checklist (click here): This document is a checklist for clients to use when gathering their 2014 tax documents.
Client Engagement Agreement (click here):Our standard engagement agreement for 2014 tax clients.
Tax update (click here): A short summary of the main tax related areas effecting individuals in 2014.
Links to our 2013 tax documents:
Client Organizer (click here): This document is a checklist for clients to use when gathering their 2013 tax documents.
Client Engagement Agreement (click here): Our standard engagement agreement for 2013 tax clients.
Here are a few helpful documents and links:
Non-Profit/Government Resources:
Internal Revenue Service ( All the tax forms are listed on the Forms and Publications sub page. These publications contain a wealth of information on nearly all tax topics.
Small Business Association ( A wealth of information about starting and managing a small business.
Entrepreneur ( A good resource for business ideas and ways to grow your business.
Denver Small Business Development Center ( Offers low cost seminars and classes to help you learn skills in business management, accounting and financial growth, sales and marketing tactics. These courses and seminars provide you with valuable networking opportunities and learning how to make your business grow.
Corporate Resources
Quickbooks ( Necessary software to accurately track your expenses. We are certified Pro-Advisors and are happy to offer clients a substantial discount on software purchases.
RSSBus ( The RSSBus QuickBooks Excel Add-In is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live data from Quickbooks and QuickBooks Online, directly from Microsoft Excel.
Time Clock Software ( Clocks and More offers timeclock software to fit the needs and budgets of small businesses to large corporations.
Hassle-Free Business Loans ( ): can help you meet all of the financial needs for your business with a hassle-free loan.